Sunday, November 23, 2014

Every Valley - Advent Reflections

Every Valley

Advent with the Scriptures of

Handel’s Messiah

Compiled by

Jessica Miller Kelley

Unlike most other books and devotionals that we read, this wonderful book of devotionals for the Advent Season is a compilation of devotionals put together by Ms. Kelley.  The “majority of the reflections in this volume are excerpted and adapted from essays in the Feasting on the Word commentary series.”  There was a long list of contributing scholars and pastors whose wonderful prose was utilized and adapted for the creation of each of the forty, yes forty wonderful reflections.  One reflection devoted for each of the glorious masterpiece musical works within Handel’s Messiah.
The libretto of each song is provided at the start of each reflection to be read and enjoyed. Having participated in the performances of The Messiah and listening to many and various renditions over the years, just reading the words exploded the majestic sounds of voices and strings in my head.  Yes, and sent me digging for my copy to put in my player to listen to as I read the expounding of the text. 
I found each of the reflections to be far more than just casual light fare.  The message of the verses and the surrounding scripture were explored, filling out the story and bringing even more light and glory to the genius of the libretto of this great work.
This collection of reflection could easily be utilized as a daily devotional or as reflections in liturgical services.  Each reflection stands alone or can be used in a series.  As a musician and biblical student, I would consider this collection one of the best reminders of how deep and true the Love of God is.  What a gift He has given us to hear of this love through the glorious music and song of The Messiah by Handel

A must for the Christmas library!

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