Sunday, November 23, 2014

Matty - A Matt Turner Series Short

Matty - A Matt Turner Series Short
Michael Siemsen

All kids want to be like everyone else.  They want to be accepted to play and have fun.  But what if you are a little kid and discover you are different.  What if you can't afford to play with the other kids.  The pain of doing so is just to great.
The act of touching for Matty, unlike the rest of us, is not a tactile experience.  It is a psychological paranormal out of body experience, for his experience brings empathy to a new height.  Unfortunately for Matt, this is not limited to touching just people, but touching any object that they have touched.  A bit much for a young kid.
Matty was the older of two children of a young couple.  Mom, a stay at home mom, and dad a police officer with the local department.
Mom and Dad have been very protective of Matty every since they finally figured out his extraordinary gift.  It has been a closely guarded family secret and used in family games and to find lost keys or wallets... until one day while on a family outing dad got an emergency call.
There was a little girl about Matty's age that had been kidnapped.  All officers had been called in on an all points bulletin.  The car seen taking the girl had already been located.
Dad knew Matt might be the only answer.
A shorty, but an excellent prequel to set the stage for the upcoming release of the third book in the Matt Turner Series due for release in December... in time for the Christmas Stocking.
Haven't read the first two?  Oo  (Hint, I have read The Dig three times)  You have time before Christmas to read them all.
ShadeTree Book Reviews and Blog

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